Stanford | Humanities + Design

Palladio. Visualize complex historical data with ease.

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Create a Map

We’ll start with point data.

30map options.png

The data will show up on your map like this.


You can see specific data points by hovering.

32map tooltip.png

Edit your data layers by clicking on the edit button.

35edit layers.png

You can specify which dimension is used to label the points (tooltip).


When we first plotted the points, they were sized by items per location. If we uncheck that option, we can focus our attention on the unique locations.

30map options.png

Unsized data looks like this.

37without sized points.png

There are a number of basemap layers to choose from.

33tile options.png

We’ve added satellite imagery as a tile layer.

34map satellite.png

Investigate multiple dimensions of the data using interactive filters like the Timeline shown below.


##To learn more about using the Timeline, Timespan, and Facet Filters, see our separate tutorials.

Another mapping option is Point to Point, which requires two sets of place data (birthplaces and deathplaces in this example).


Here you can see the paths between birthplace (source) and death place (target). The clockwise arc of the line indicates the direction of the relationship.


You can add multiple data layers and choose the color.


In this map, we’ve assigned red to birthplaces to more easily distinguish them from death places. differentcolors.png

With this view, you can more easily follow the arc between birthplace and death place.
